Video Series:


Myth of the Capture Zone for Negative Air Machines (NAMs)

Capture Zone for Air Samplers

How to Take an ERMI Test

How To Fog AeroSolver

How to Wipe Surfaces After Fogging

Penicillium chrysogenum Growth with Exudate (Biofilm) Production 

Timelapse footage of the growth of a culture of the mould Penicillium chrysogenum, the source of the antibiotic drug penicillin. This is a common mould often found growing on food or in damp environments. It comprises a fast-spreading network of hyphae (white) which absorb nutrients from its surroundings. As it matures, it produces blue-green conidia, long chains of reproductive spores. It produces penicillin to help it outcompete bacteria in its environment. The antibiotic properties of this compound were first discovered by Alexander Fleming in London, UK, in 1928. Mass production of penicillin as an antibiotic drug began with a colony taken from a mouldy cantaloupe melon found in Peoria, Illinois, USA, in 1942. This clip was filmed at one frame every 15 minutes (speeded up 22,500 times).



Top 10 (or more) Do's and Don't When Hiring Consultants and Contractors

The success of your remediation depends on the knowledge and experience of the professionals you hire.  This is not the time to simply "follow the industry guidelines".  The following guides are a starting point to help you sort the good from the not so good.

How to Spot a "Bad" or "Good" Consultant

How to Spot a "Bad" or "Good" Contractor